Most people don’t know that they can prevent scratching. They just know how annoying it is once the scratch is there. Luckily, Z Clear is here to help!
Join us in giving back to those on the front lines of this pandemic! All you have to do to participate is purchase a bottle of the Z Clear Spritz and we’ll give one away to students and teachers! We want to help school faculty members and students across the nation by giving a bottle of our anti-fog spray for every bottle sold online.
Attempting to clear the fog off your glasses while driving can be extremely dangerous, which is why a trustworthy anti fog spray should be a priority investment if this is something that you struggle with.
At Z Clear, we’ve reinvented the traditional lens cleaner and are proud to present you with an ammonia and alcohol free solution that you can use on your glasses, goggles and electronics without having to worry about damages.
The constant need to wipe off your lenses isn’t only a hassle, but it can also lead to scratching if you’re using the wrong fabrics and cleaners; your best bet is to use the best anti fog spray on the market: Z Clear.
While you may get a decent cleaning out of these types of products, over time you may begin to see damage to the coating on your lenses; this is why we recommend our ammonia and alcohol-free solution here at Z Clear.
Ouranti fog spray for glasses here atZ Cleardoesn’t only work on your everyday glasses, but also on your favorite pair of shades. Here is why our anti fog spray is the best choice when it comes to cleaning your sunglasses.
The Z Clear lens cleaners are some of the most popular and reputable anti-fog spray products among motorists, welders, and construction workers. The product is specially formulated and is excellent on lenses and glasses, meaning even motorcyclists take advantage of its benefits.