How to Use Z Clear on Your Gun

Z Clear is the next best premium line of lens cleaners you can use on various surfaces such as glasses lenses, phone screens, and even firearms. Z Clear's line of products come equipped with the best anti-fog spray, scratch filler, and anti-static capabilities.

It's no surprise, then, that many are incorporating Z Clear into their firearm maintenance routine. So how exactly can you use Z Clear's best anti-fog spray and premium lens cleaner on your gun?

Fill Surface Scratches

Most gun owners simply can't stand seeing scratches on the surface of their firearms. As shown byThe High Roadforum, scratches are a gun owner's nightmare. If you'd like to make your old and trusted handgun look as good as new and get rid of unsightly scratches, the Z Clear Paste is the perfect guy for the job.

This paste is simply a condensed version of the Z Clear Spritz. Because it's in paste form, it's highly effective at filling surface scratches, giving your gun a clear and clean look. Continuous use of the Z Clear Paste will help fill deeper scratches on your gun, helping to preserve its finish for an extended amount of time.

Protective Coating

Oil, moisture, and dirt from your hands can linger on the surface of your gun, leaving your firearm looking dirty, unkempt, and old. Using the Z Clear spritz or paste on the surface of your firearm can help restore a fresh and clean look. According to theCheaper Than Dirt blog, moisture from weather and sweat can result in corrosive rust. This rust eventually damages the gun's metal parts. It's vital to use Z Clear spritz or paste to save your firearm from damage.

The Z Clear Advantage

There are numerous lens cleaners on the market, but serious gun owners only trust Z Clear. The Z Clear line of products is free from ammonia, alcohol, and silicon, making them safe for use on even your most precious firearm.

Whether you want to restore that newly-bought look to your tried and trusted handgun or you're trying to clear a few annoying scratches on that brand new rifle, Z Clear premium lens cleaner can help!

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