Cleanliness, now more than ever is important

At Z Clear we are Lens Cleaning Reinvented. What does this mean? It means we are here to help educate, inform and provide the greatest cleaning solution possible for all your lenses, screens and monitors. Our specially formulated paste is a great alternative choice to the every day spray cleaners out there.

Cleanliness, now more than ever, is extremely important. We were always raised to wash our hands and be as clean from germs as possible. One area that is being missed to help protect us is our glasses, cellphones and electronic devices. Did you know that we touch our cellphone an average of 80 times per day. That's three and a half times per hour. Where are we the majority of those times? On a bathroom break, taking out the trash, after we just coughed into our hands or even worse just shook the hand of someone that just coughed into their hands. I'm sure you get the point and let's be honest, our lenses & devices are not the cleanest. With almost the whole world being in a pandemic, we wanted to bring you a few helpful tips from us here at Z Clear where we are reinventing the way you care for your lenses. 

  • Tip #1- We suggest washing your hands & cleaning your lenses as often as possible.
  • Tip #2- Use Z Clear's specially designed formula to clean your glasses, cellphone and even laptops.      *(Remember you just cleaned your hands, keep them clean by cleaning your devices) 
  • Tip #3- Keep hands away from your face, mouth & lenses as much as possible. *(This will also help your lenses stay clean)
  • Tip #4- Hug and love those closest to you! 
  • Tip #5- Social distancing has been proven to slow the spread of germs and viruses.
  • Suggested Use #1- Our paste is specially designed to clean without the excess spillage of a liquid spray. 
  • Suggested Use #2- The paste is also specifically designed to hide minor scratches and scuffs. *Does not remove scratches but will temporarily fill in scratches on prescriptions, sunglasses & goggles.
  • Suggested Use #3- Our spray is quicker and easier to use than our paste especially for larger surfaces like TV's, Laptop's, Windshields, Windows, 
  • Suggestion Use #4- When applying Z Clear rub in fully until fully dry. Failing to do so will still clean lenses great but will do nothing to prevent fog.

At Z Clear we are Lens Cleaning Reinvented. What does this mean? It means we are here to help educate, inform and provide the greatest cleaning solution possible for all your lenses, screens and monitors. Our specially formulated paste is a great alternative choice to the every day spray cleaners out there.

The current state of things in the world can be scary, dark and all around frightening. We are taking this health crisis very serious and are here to help. 


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