
Z Clear News

Are you looking forthe best anti-fog spray and lens cleaner? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Z Clear lens cleaning solution is revolutionary and achieves more than traditional cleaners. You can use it to clean glass surfaces, clear different types of fog, or temporarily fill in fine scratches ultimately providing the clarity you need.
  • 2 min read
If you wear glasses you may understand that one of the main challenges that you have to deal with, is your glasses fogging up. Here are some tips that you can count on to keep your glasses from fogging.
  • 2 min read
For many of us, TV has become an important part of our lives. Your TV allows you to wind down after a long day at work by escaping to another world. If you don't want that other world to be coated in a film of dust, dirt, and fingerprints, it's important to clean your TV screen. You may be surprised to find out that glasses cleaner may be the most effective.
  • 2 min read
If you like watching a lot of tv, play video games or work on a computer, save your eyeballs with these five steps. You will be happy you did.
  • 2 min read
